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Creston Valley Goes to War


Merritt, E R:

Messinger, Grace:

Messinger, Graham E:

Messinger, Lane: Royal Canadian Air Force. Served overseas.

Messinger, S E: Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted July 1940.

Meston, Pat: Corporal, Royal Canadian Air Force. Enlisted early in the war and served until 1945.

Miller, Bert: Royal Canadian Air Force

Miller, Fred E: Private, Tank Corps, Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted July 1940.  Served in Italy.

Miller, H  J:

Miller, Joyce: Royal Canadian Air Force, Women’s Division

Miller, James: Lance Corporal

Miller, James R: Trooper, tank crew, 9th Armoured Regiment of the BC Dragoons.  Served in Italy. Creston Review, 11 August 1944: “Local men see action in Italy – BC Dragoons Mentioned in Dispatches.” “Two Kootenay men took part in the BC Dragoons action at a bridgehead in Italy after the Hitler Line had been crushed.  The action gave the Dragoons their baptism in offensive tank warfare,” says a newspaper clipping received by Mrs. E. Miller, Boswell. “Trooper R.J. Miller of Boswell, son of Mrs. E. Miller of Boswell, and Trooper G.T. Dodd of Creston were members in Sherman tank squadron taking part.”

Miller, John: Flight Sergeant, Tail Gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force. Served overseas and made required number of flights in 1944; joined a unit in Dartmouth, NS in 1945.

Miller, Lloyd: Royal Canadian Air Force

Miller, R Jack: Royal Canadian Army

Millner, Mary: Corporal, Royal Canadian Air Force

Molander, Richard “Dick”: Corporal, Royal Canadian Air Force. Enlisted about 1942. Served two and a half years in Ceylon and one year in England.

Montgomery, Charles E: Royal Canadian Air Force

Moon, Maron G: Private, Calgary Highlanders 2nd Division. Enlisted 1942, returned to Canada fall 1945. Landed with D-Day invasion; served in France, Belgium, and Germany. Wounded July 1944 during French campaign.

Moore, C W:

Moore, Gene: Leading Aircraftman, Royal Canadian Air Force. Stationed at Tofino.

Moore, Lionel F W: Captain, Artillery, Royal Canadian Army.

Mooy, Ron J W: Gunner, 5th Canadian Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment / 5th Canadian Armoured Division, Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted April 1943; served in Italy, Belgium, and Holland. Wounded in action November 1944. Discharged 1946.

Mooy, W A R:

Morabito, Anthony B “Tony”: Flying Officer, Observer-gunner, Royal Canadian Air Force. Distinguished Flying Cross 30 November 1943:  “This wireless operator air gunner has actively assisted in air sea rescues off Patelleria, Italy and Sicily. He has flown with all the pilots of the squadron and has been usefully employed flying with pilots new to sea air rescue work, thus giving them the benefit of his wide experience.  His courage under the most trying conditions has always been remarkable.”

Morrow, F R:

Morrow, H A: Sapper

Morrow, L W:

Mortimer, Gerald “Jerry”: Discharged after 11 months.

Mortimer, Ron L: Served 1941-1945.

Mountford, Gordon. Army. Wounded in Italy.

Muir, W A: Fusilier, Royal Canadian Army.

Murphy, Frederick John: Medic. Served on a hospital ship en route to Europe and at a field hospital. Later, he followed the troops who landed on D-Day, and served in France.

Murphy, Maurice “Maury”: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served on Flower Class corvettes HMCS Medford, HMCS Prescott, HMCS Woodstock on escort duty in the Atlantic. Prescott sank U-163 with depth charges 13 March 1943 in the Western Reaches of the Bay of Biscay, while escorting Convoy MKS-9 from Gibraltar to the UK. Woodstock supported American D-Day landings at Omaha Beach, 6 Jun 1944. After V-E Day, Woodstock went to Scotland to pick up the crew of a minesweeper to carry them home; it turned out to be the crew of HMCS Thunder, and included Lew Truscott.  Maury remained in the service, on Pacific Duty, until January 1946.

Nadon, Frank:

Nasadyk, D M: Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted July 1940. Served overseas, returned August 1944.

Nastasi, Sam: Canadian Army Overseas

Nedelec, George: Yahk. Royal Canadian Air Force. Stationed in Manchester.

Nelson, E: Leading Aircraftman, Royal Canadian Air Force.

Nelson, Nels: Canadian Army Overseas

Newton, Audrey:         

Newton, Barbara:

Niblow, Bruce: Corporal, Royal Canadian Air Force.

Nickolchuk, John: Private, Veterans' Home Guard.

Nicol, Mike: Army

Nygaard, Carl: Canadian Army Overseas. Mentioned in dispatches in the King’s birthday list, 1945.

O’Neill, James W:Private, Royal Regiment of Canada, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. Enlisted June 1940. Killed in action, 25 July 1944.

Oliver, L: Leading Aircraftman, Royal Canadian Air Force.

Olsen, E: Yahk

Olson, R: Private

Osborne, J H: Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted July 1940.

Ostendorf, Harry: Private, Canadian Army. Enlisted 1944; stationed at Calgary; war ended before he was sent overseas.

Ostrensky, Charles: Private

Packman, Ken: Served three years in Holland.

Palmer, Alfred: Sergeant. Wounded in right leg and left side in France August 1944.

Palmer, Lewis: Left the Creston Valley to enlist in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve August 1944. Private, Canadian Army, stationed Camp Borden in 1945.

Palmer, Meryl: Lieutenant, US Army. Overseas duty began late 1945.

Parker, H W: Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted June 1940.

Parkin, Alfred S: Sergeant

Parkin, John W: Trooper, Canadian Army Overseas. Enlisted 1940; went overseas September 1941. Served in France and reported missing, 25 August 1944. Prisoner of War August 1944 - April 1945.

Parkin, R:

Parr, Bernice: Royal Canadian Air Force

Patterson, George:

Payette, Campbell: Sapper, Royal Canadian Army. Served two years, mostly in BC; his health, which suffered due to chronic bronchitis, wouldn’t allow him to go overseas.

Payne, A: Yahk

Payne, Jack C: Warrant Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force

Payne, Kate: Aircraftwoman, Royal Canadian Air Force

Pelle, Joe D: Royal Canadian Air Force

Pendry, Arthur A: Private, Canadian Army Overseas. Served in Holland.

Pendry, E C: Lincoln and Eldon Regiment. Enlisted 1942, went overseas 1944.  Wounded on active service in Holland 29 Jan 1945.

Pendry (Pacaro), Eileen: Canadian Women's Army Corps. Stationed at Chilliwack

Pendry, J: Royal Canadian Army. Enlisted July 1940.

Penson, Jack:

Penson, Roy: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

Peters, G:

Peters, Patricia:

Peters, R:

Phillips, Gerald E; Royal Canadian Air Force. Overseas for two years, 1943-1945. Returned to Canada January 1945.

Phipps (Gray), Marble: Canadian Women’s Army Corps. Too young to go overseas, she spent the war with military intelligence in Halifax.

Piepgrass, Lyle: Army

Piepgrass, Marie: Canadian Women’s Army Corps

Pigott, Frank: Royal Canadian Army. Served five years and eight months, July 1940-1945.

Plumb, George V: Royal Canadian Air Force. Stationed at Medicine Hat.

Potts, Jim: Army

Pouchard, L:

Powell, William Hawkshaw: Royal Canadian Air Force. Enlisted 1944. January 1945 transferred to western Canadian Armoured Corps, Canadian Army.

Powers, Manning: Sergeant, Royal Canadian Air Force Enlisted in 1941, went overseas 1943, stationed in England for two years. Physical Training Instructor and Parachute Instructor for RCAF Bomber Group.

Pratt, D F: Yahk

Price, Stan: Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

Pridham, Russell: Private

Pridmore, Robert E “Bob”: Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force

Pryke, John William “Jack”: Boswell. Captain

Pudifin, Arnold James: Flight Sergeant, Royal Canadian Air Force. Killed in action 19 November 1943

Putnam, Frank Douglas “Doug”: Quartermaster, BC Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own).  Enlisted June 1940, went overseas 1942. Took part in follow-up to D-Day invasions. Killed in action 4 May 1945, by a member of the Hitler Youth hidden in a ditch alongside a road, who fired into the transport carrying Frank and several other soldiers. The German surrendered immediately after he’d fired. Frank may have been the last Canadian soldier killed in the war. His death was reported in the same newspaper as the announcement of V-E Day.

Puttock, Gordon: 1622 Saskatchewan Horse armoured corps, Royal Canadian Army

Radford, C H: Yahk

Raymond, Clifford: Enlisted August 1943, Royal Canadian Air Force

Reed, James: Private

Renstrom, E: Yahk

Rentz, Ralph: Private, 4 Princess Louise Dragoon Guards, Royal Canadian Army Corps. Enlisted July 1942 with armoured corps; went overseas in March 1943. Served in England, North Africa, and Italy. Killed in action 13 January 1944.